The Power Of Facebook Can Change Your Grandparent's Life

Courtesy: Irene Urrunaga @copyright

Courtesy: Irene Urrunaga @copyright

I know how hard is to keep grandparents entertained every day.

I live with my mother. Well, she lives with me. She is 81 years old. I tried everything to keep her busy and entertained such as enrolling her in English classes and encouraged her to be more active at church. Those activities helped, but it was not enough. She often looked bored and sad, but guess what? I found a solution which I'm sharing with you.

I got her a laptop on her birthday. Yes, I did! When she opened my present she thought I was sarcastic or crazy, but after she learned how to use social media such as Facebook and how easy is to interact safely with others, she laughed and cried with happiness.

It took me few sessions to train her properly how to manage her Facebook profile. Soon she felt confident to start with baby steps while she was discovering the wonderful world through her laptop screen. She is now connected with her family in Peru and Argentina, ex-coworkers, and friends around the world.

In 2018, 62% of online Seniors aged 65+ are on Facebook
— Omnicore Agency

It was a great thing! That's why I would like to encourage you to do the same with your loved ones. Remember that keeping them busy and happy is your 'task' so helping your grandparents with their social media page is not only a good thing for them but also for you.

If you're motivated to try, don't forget these basic security steps:

  • How to set up the configuration settings to avoid friend requests from strangers or people outside of their networking

  • How to identify dangerous invitations, attachments, or links redirecting to inappropriate websites

  • Explain why they must keep their private information secret and safe

  • How to block people they don't like and how to interact with online friends

  • Follow the best practices and know what not to do.

If you don't have time or don't know how to create or set up a Facebook page for them, contact me. I will be happy to help you with it.

FacebookLotty Vargas